Author: Niamh Ní Dhúill
Celebrate Biodiversity Week 2021 – Céilúradh an Nádúr 2021
Nature Walks: Get to know your own biodiversity in your own garden or where you walk. It may be the common Daisy or Speedwell which we often overlook, but our common wild plants are all vital food for pollinators and other creatures. At the moment, the Hawthorn Tree is in full bloom and lives up to her name as Gaeilge, An Sceach Gheal which means the bright or light bush!
Also, you might find this series of 6 lovely spotter sheets useful. They highlight the plants and animals you are likely to find in various habitats we have here in Kerry. They have been produced by Kerry County Council and are available free to download from their website at this link:
The habitats include: Urban Gardens; Farmland; Bogs and Uplands; River, Lakes and Wetlands; Seashore & Coastal; Woodlands & Hedges. I am attaching the Urban Gardens sheet below, but check out their website to access the full series in PDF format to download. Bain taitneamh as bhur am amach faoín aer – enjoy your time out on your nature walks, just remember it is all the more comfortable if you are wearing your rain gear!