Let's work together | AG OBAIR LE CHÉILE

collaborate & resources

I like to collaborate and work with others.  If I am not the right person for you or do not have what you are looking for, I will do my best to point you in the right direction.

Here are some of the people, organisations and businesses I link with in my work.

Biodiversity Partners – Cathy Eastman: biodiversitypartners@gmail.com

Gortbrack Organic Farm – Ian McGrigor & Eileen Carroll

Growing Wild – Lucy Bell: http://growingwild.ie

In My Element – Darach Ó Múrchú: darach@inmyelement.ie

Mary Kiernan: marykiernan01@gmail.com

The Nature Hub – Kerry Walker: https://thenaturehub.ie

LEAF Ireland: https://leafireland.org

An Choill Bheag: https://leafireland.org/themes/an-choill-bheag/

Green Schools:

Transition Kerry: http://www.transitionkerry.org

An t-Ionad Glas, The Organic College: https://www.organiccollege.com

Irish Seed Savers Association: https://irishseedsavers.ie

Heritage in Schools: http://www.heritageinschools.ie

Grow it Yourself – GIY Ireland: https://giy.ie

Shanahans Garden Centre: https://www.shanahansgardencentre.ie

Liscahane Garden Centre: https://www.facebook.com/Liscahane/

Fruit Hill Farm: https://www.fruithillfarm.com

Manna Organic Store, Tralee: http://mannaorganicstore.ie

Miltown Organic Store, Miltown: https://www.facebook.com/MilltownOrganicStore/

Brown Envelope Seeds:

Caherhurley Nursery – Perennial Cottage Garden Plants: https://www.caherhurleynursery.com

Please note that Caherhurley Nursery is the only certified organic ornamental plant nursery in Ireland.  Their plants are perennial, unusual and above all, are  hardy, as they are  grown on a cold windy mountain slope. Plants can be ordered through their website – they can be delivered by An Post, or, better, they can be collected at the  nursery in Clare.

CELT Tree Nursery – Range of native saplings: https://www.celtnet.org/tree-nursery

Irish Seed Savers Association – Seeds, Fruit Trees, Plants: https://irishseedsavers.ie    

Future Forest – Trees, Shrubs, Plants: https://futureforests.ie

English Nurseries – Fruit Trees & Bushes: https://www.englishsfruitnursery.ie

Home Trees – Range of native saplings: https://www.hometree.ie

52 Weeks Gardening:

Blooming Native:  https://www.bloomingnative.ie

Design by Nature:  http://wildflowers.ie

Gretta’s Herbs, Annascaul, Co. Kerry – Organic Herbs: https://gretasherbs.com

Peppermint Farm – Organic Herbs, Co. Cork: https://www.peppermintfarm.com

The Herb Garden – Organic Herbs, The Naul (Denise Dunne): https://theherbgarden.ie

Ivy Wood Apothecary, Co. Clare: www.ivywood.ie/shop/medicinal-plants

Herbalistix – Christine Best Herbalist: https://www.facebook.com/kerryherbalist/

Nature’s Knowledge – Deirdre Daly Herbalist: https://www.naturesknowledge.ie

The Herbal Hub – Vivienne Campbell: https://theherbalhub.com

Fruit and Nut:  http://www.fruitandnut.ie

Plants for a Future:  https://pfaf.org/

Design By Nature: http://www.wildflowers.ie




Irish Wild Flowers: https://www.irishwildflowers.ie

Wild Flowers of Ireland: http://www.wildflowersofireland.net


Books & Reference Material


Dhein Niamh dearadh ar gairdín dúinn le béim ar bitheagsúlacht. Bhíomar thar a bheith sásta leis agus anois tá an gairdín lán do éanlaithe, dathanna, crainn agus beocht. Molaim go mór í agus an obair a dheineann sí. Niamh designed a garden for us with an emphasis on the wild look. Niamh was informative, imaginative and easy to work with. This work was carried out in collaboration with Ian McGrigor, Gortbrack Organic Farm. The final result was magnificent and over the past few years it has matured into a garden full of biodiversity, sounds and colour. It is low maintenance and joy to sit and enjoy.
Michéal & Rachel
An Clochán





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