Natural Kitchen & Remedy Gardens
I like to share skills to support people in creating their own ecological garden sanctuary on their own doorstep. This includes growing food and wild and cultivated medicine plants for home remedies, which are also valuable for pollinators and other wildlife. I help you learn about your own soil, plants, habitats and biodiversity living there already. I guide and support you with a plan and next steps to take. I share skills I have learned to grow, harvest, dry and store the herbs and flowers. I also share skills to make simple home remedies and using herbs in your everyday life; Herbal Teas – Healing Herb Baths – Herb Oils – Herb Vinegars – Ointments – Tinctures – Simple First Aid using Plants – Using Flower Essences
Simple home garden plans:
- Kitchen Food Garden
- Home Remedy Garden
- Rewilding your Garden
- Using your Garden Resources
- Advice on Timelines for Projects
- Guidance with Costing for Garden Projects
- One to one Support & Guidance with Establishing Your Garden
- Provision of Information about Resources and Suppliers
- Advice on Appropriate Home & Garden Composting Systems
- Advice on Appropriate Water Harvesting System
- Growing Plants | Harvesting Plants | Drying | Processing | Storing | Sharing Plants and Seeds
- Making Simple Home Remedies | Herbal Teas | Healing Herb Baths | Herb Oils | Herb Vinegars | Ointments | Tinctures | Simple First Aid using Plants | Using Flower Essences
- Visit to My Garden to See Habitats In Situ | To Understand How They Will Develop Over The Years (By appointment only)
- Visit to My Garden to See Native, Wild, Edible and Useful Plants In Situ and How They Will Grow Over Time (By appointment only)
- Practical Skillshare and Advice on How to Propagate, Divide and Transplant Native Plants Back Into Your Own Garden
Every client and every project is different.
I make the costings based on the work to be done for the project. Personalised/customised quotations available on request.
You can contact Niamh directly by email or submit your request using the form below.
